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Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Quindici capolavori dell'Impressionismo e Postimpressionismo

Edouard Manet, "The Spanish Singer (Il cantante spagnolo)", 1860, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Edouard Manet
The Spanish Singer
(Il cantante spagnolo)

Museum of Art
New York

Edouard Manet, "Woman with a Parrot (Donna con pappagallo)", 1866, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Edouard Manet
Woman with a Parrot
(Donna con pappagallo)

Museum of Art
New York

Claude Monet, "Terrasse à Sainte-Adresse (Terrazza a Sainte-Adresse)", 1867, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Claude Monet
à Sainte-Adresse
a Sainte-Adresse)

Museum of Art
New York

Claude Monet, "The Houses of Parliament, London (Il Parlamento, Londra)", 1903, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Claude Monet
The Houses of Parliament,
(Il Parlamento, Londra)

Museum of Art
New York

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, "Madame Charpentier and Her Children (Madame Charpentier con i figli)", 1878, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Madame Charpentier
and Her Children
(Madame Charpentier
con i figli)

Museum of Art
New York

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, "By the Seashore (Sulla spiaggia)", 1883, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Pierre-Auguste Renoir
By the Seashore
(Sulla spiaggia)

Museum of Art
New York

Edgar Degas, "The Dance Examination (Esame di danza)", 1874, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Edgar Degas
The Dance Examination
(Esame di danza)

Museum of Art
New York

Georges Seurat, "La parade de cirque (La parata del circo)", 1887-88, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Georges Seurat
La parade de cirque
(La parata del circo)

Museum of Art
New York

Paul Cézanne, "Madame Cézanne dans la serre (Madame Cézanne nella serra)", ca 1891, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Paul Cézanne
Madame Cézanne
dans la serre
(Madame Cézanne
nella serra)

ca 1891
Museum of Art
New York

Paul Cézanne, "Joueurs de cartes (Giocatori di carte)", ca 1892, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Paul Cézanne
Joueurs de cartes
(Giocatori di carte)

ca 1892
Museum of Art
New York

Vincent van Gogh, "Cypresses (Cipressi)", 1889, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Vincent van Gogh

Museum of Art
New York

Vincent van Gogh, "Irises (Iris)", 1890, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Vincent van Gogh

Museum of Art
New York

Paul Gauguin, "Ia Orana Maria", 1891, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Paul Gauguin
Ia Orana Maria
Museum of Art
New York

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, "Le sofa (Il sofà)", 1895, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Le sofa
(Il sofà)

Museum of Art
New York

Henri Rousseau "Le Douanier" (Il doganiere), "The Repast of the Lion (Il pasto del leone)", ca 1907, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Henri Rousseau
"Le Douanier"
The Repast of the Lion
(Il pasto del leone)

ca 1907
Museum of Art
New York

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